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Thursday, March 17, 2011


Forever, I have had a love affair with paper. Can’t remember a time when I didn’t love it! My mother was an executive secretary and I remember her bringing home spiral bound steno tablets and of course, I got some. Ah! My dad was an insurance adjuster and he used big tablets of paper to document car accidents. Do you think that I got any of those? Of course!

From the get go, I loved not only the feel of paper but its smell: It’s unforgettable. With my two sources above, I had my own little office as a kid: I would staple paper together to make books, cut up paper for who knows what and write or draw on every single piece.

Best of all was going to my mother’s office: She would take me into a room that had a huge closet full of office supplies. I would just stand there in a zombie state and wish that all of it were at my house.

Over the years, I have written on or used thousands and thousands of sheets of paper in all forms—first in school, then in college and in my former profession of teaching. Addicted still only this time it is printer paper, scrapbook paper and watercolor paper; however, I still have a love for tablets. In my case, I would call this addiction a good one, wouldn’t you? Can’t imagine a world without it!

Sherry Hill

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