At the top is a juvie and you can see it is really big! Juvie is a name for a bald eagle that is not full grown and/or hasn't had its head turn white or its beak turn yellow--that happens at age 4 to 5.
Second photo shows two juvies on a limb [Thank you UStream!] as well as whomever took this photo and posted it for all of us to see.
Third photo shows a juvie in flight! Notice the wingspan--almost 6 feet.
Fourth photo shows the parents. Can you guess which one is the mom and which is the dad?
Again these photos were taken by either watchers of the live web cam or professionals who took photos as well. These eagles reside in Decorah, Iowa; the parents will stay there. But the juvies will have to leave soon.
Sherry Hill
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