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Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Found this cartoon on facebook and it made me laugh! I feel like the popped ear of corn! This summer here has set heat records like no other summer before. And I hate the heat!

Being a former sun loving goddess and always at the pool or taking a sunbath loaded with Hawaiian Tropic suntan lotion, I had more than my share of the heat. I loved it. Loved having a tan and loved soaking in the rays.

Not anymore! I go outside and the humidity and the heat do a number on me. Why I can't get back inside to an air conditioned house fast enough. When I'm out there, I can't breathe and it literally makes me sick. Has to be an age thing although I hate to admit that: Who would? Even the birds are hardly out in my yard much less squirrels: That says something if they cant't take it as well.

Oh I have shorts and bathing suits but they remain where they were last put--in the cedar chest. My attire has drastically changed into what was hip to what is now comfortable and cool. But inside, it's cold [the ac is set on 70] and I find myself wearing layers.

"If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!" is a popular saying. Well I can't take the heat but my computer is in the kitchen and it's cool in here! Hard to say goodbye to the sun loving goddess that I used to be. But since I have olive skin, it does help--at least I'm not pasty white. As for the high temperatures, take them please. I can't take the heat.

Sherry Hill

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