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Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Are you bothered by someone using bad grammar?
I am to the max! The more I read and the more I hear on TV, the worse bad grammar is becoming and not only that but becoming acceptable.
Several years ago, the double subject became the norm as in this sentence: "The woman she went to the event." That's just down and right wrong. And yet I hear it all of the time and now young children are saying it because if it's on TV, then it must be right.

Well it isn't right.

People are just plain lazy to know the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE. I see it all of the time on facebook and it gets on my last nerve to see it used wrong. YOUR means ownership and the word OUR is in it for a clue. YOU'RE means you are.

Another grammar gripe of mine is to see an apostrophe in a plural word. An example is: I saw LOT'S of treasures there. Why would someone write that? In essence, that person is saying: I saw LOT IT IS of treasures there and that makes no sense whatsoever. An  apostrophe is used in a contraction such as IT'S meaning IT IS. No one would write "The cat lost IT'S toy." But wait a minute, people do!

Oh the list could go on and on and I'm sure that you've heard or have seen bad grammar everywhere.
Something has to be done to stop it before it becomes the norm. If you are a grammar police person as am I, then we must band together to educate the populace--but it's a major undertaking. Try correcting someone who has used incorrect grammar on facebook and wait for the blasting comments coming your way: It does not work at all.

Bad grammar bothers me and the more I see it, the madder I become. The more I hear it, the more I cringe.
But is there an answer to change it back to the correct way? Doubtful with the usage of texting and a world of faster everything. I'm sure that my college English professors are rolling over in their graves. Heaven help us all.

Sherry Hill

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