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Sunday, May 6, 2012


Have you ever had a bad toothache that just wouldn't go away? And worse, have you had it happen in the wee hours of the morning? I did this past Tuesday and it wasn't a tooth: It was the space between two teeth. Was in bed and the pain kept intensifying and I kept thinking that my heart was pounding like the tooth pain was. Should I call 911 I thought to myself? This is not normal. And I waited and waited. And tried to calm myself down--sometimes that works and sometimes not. It did help some and then the fever set in; at first I was freezing and then I was  burning up. Found myself with four tops on, flannel pajama bottoms and a big blanket around me! Had all this on under the covers and I still couldn't get warm. Seemed like an eternity passed before I got warm and then I was burning up. 

Managed to drag myself out of bed and seek a washcloth and soak it in cold water and promptly plopped it on my forehead. Sort of helped. But did nothing for the toothache at all. Couldn't sit up [didn't want to anyway!,] couldn't watch tv or do a thing but feel miserable for seven straight hours but this time I was on top of the covers and had discarded one of the four tops. By the time my dentist was in his office, there was no way I could call or get there and I kept wishing I had called 911. At least an ambulance could have taken me. But with a fever? No dentist wants a patient with one of those. And so I waited it out.

And it passed after two days of misery. I did keep in contact with my dentist and my doctor but neither could phone in an antibiotic without seeing me. And I know how it all started: I used those wooden picks that go between teeth. Somehow, I irritated the gum between two upper teeth like major. Will I ever use those things again? NO WAY!

Who likes being sick? No one that I know of and who likes a toothache? No one!! It's like the worst thing ever that happens to a person. I survived on liquids and then soup finally making it to solid foods by the fourth day. And where am I going soon? To the the dentist. Just can't wait for the news there! I will not do another thing to irritate my gums. What a horrible four days. Just hope that he says it's all right and give me some antibiotics to get rid of any infection. 

Moral of this story is: Never jab the wooden picks that are designed to go between teeth. I jabbed and didn't follow directions. And boy did I pay the consequences!

Sherry Hill


  1. I can only imagine your pain! It must have been excruciating! Toothaches can really throw you off the mood and give you sleepless nights. It is a good thing that you know some home remedies to relieve the pain, even for a while. But I suggest you visit your dentist at once, so he can give you proper treatment. Also, do not jab your tooth with a wooden pick, as is might worsen the damage.

    1. I'm sorry I'm late in getting back to you. The pain was awful and I did see my dentist. It was that wooden pick that irritated the gum and was told to never use them again--just as you stated! Thank you

  2. Ouch! I can’t take that wooden pick stuck in my teeth! It would be better if you use dental floss instead of toothpicks. Dental floss is proven to be much more effective since it can go through the hard-to-reach corners of the teeth. You can also feel the cleaning effect while using it. =)

  3. I definitely agree with Darcy. Using dental floss is much better than using toothpicks. For one, dental floss can remove food stuck between your teeth that a toothbrush cannot get. And it removes plaque and prevents gum disease. It is also said that flossing can help prevent heart disease and diabetes.

    1. What I used were Stimudents which have a dental approval but trust me, I am using dental floss after that incident. Maybe I put too much pressure between my teeth using them. You are so right about flossing and it's been documented. Thank you for your comments. Appreciated.

  4. What I used were not toothpicks but the wooden "Stimudents" that are approved. Trust me, I have been using dental floss since that incident. You are so right in that flossing helps prevent heart disease--it's been documented. Thanks for your comment! Appreciated.
